Core Unit 9 - Complex Trauma & Spirituality

Please Note: Core Unit 9 is optional for those studying the certification.
  • Author: Linda Meredith
  • Level: All
  • Study time: 6 hours
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Trauma, particularly when experienced during developmental stages, can have profound and lasting impacts on an individual's emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, often shaping beliefs and behaviors for years to come.
Spirituality, whether connected to a specific religious tradition or a broader personal sense of meaning, plays an integral role in many people's lives and can be both a source of strength and a complex aspect of healing, especially for those grappling with the lingering effects of trauma. Come and enjoy learning how to work with clients in this vital core unit.
  • Video time:6 hours
  • Exams: 1
  • Portfolio: 1
Module 1 and Module 2 - Neuroscience, Trauma, and Spirituality is a groundbreaking course designed for professionals working in the field of Complex Trauma Coaching and related disciplines. This multifaceted program integrates the latest insights from neuroscience, an understanding of developmental trauma, and an exploration of spiritual and religious growth. Students will learn about the profound impacts of chronic trauma on various brain regions, including how it can alter the body's natural responses such as breathing, and even influence spiritual and religious beliefs. The course dives into detailed study areas like the Medial Frontal Cortex, Orbitofrontal Cortex, Precuneus, Posterior Cingulate Cortex, Default Mode Network, and Caudate, examining how trauma affects these regions and the strategies to help clients reengage with them.

The course also emphasizes the vital connection between trauma and spirituality, outlining practical, client-centered approaches to assist individuals in their spiritual or religious growth. Modules will cover essential techniques like mindfulness practices, community connection, and goal setting, all tailored to support those who have experienced developmental trauma. Students will gain the skills to foster a safe and supportive environment, understanding the cultural and individual nuances of spiritual growth, and learning how to work with spirituality and religion. This comprehensive program is a must for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the complex interplay between neuroscience, trauma, and spirituality.

Module 3 & 4 -  In the "Restore Your Soul" module, students will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth, enabling them to assists clients on this transformative journey. This module is designed to guide students through a profound exploration of their spiritual and emotional well-being, especially in the context of complex trauma (CPTSD) and its potential impact on their faith and spirituality. Through self-reflection, practices, and insights, students will gain a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and how it intersects with their healing process.

By the end of the "Restore Your Soul" module, you will have developed a deeper understanding of your spiritual journey, its connection to your experiences of CPTSD, and practical tools to support your healing and growth. You will emerge with a renewed sense of self, a richer spiritual connection, and a roadmap for continued personal transformation and the restoration of your soul. All parts of the modules will assist you with individual clients throughout the globe.

Module 5 - In the Contemplative Mindfulness and Prayer module tailored for CPTSD students, the emphasis is on cultivating a profound understanding of how contemplative practices can be harnessed as powerful tools in supporting the healing journey of individuals with complex trauma. Students will address the multifaceted challenges that CPTSD clients often face. These encompass recognizing and navigating triggers and emotional reactivity, while fostering a safe and trauma-informed coaching environment that respects individual boundaries and choices. 
Within this module, students will explore the transformative concept of soul centering, imparting techniques to guide clients toward a deeper connection with their inner selves as a means of healing from trauma. The intricate layers of awareness, from surface-level to profound self-awareness along with insights into how trauma can influence an individual's capacity to access these layers. A critical aspect will be the psychology underpinning centering prayer, understanding how it can facilitate  inner transformation, and healing. Furthermore, students will dive into the seven pivotal moments within a centering prayer practice, gaining the expertise needed to skillfully guide CPTSD clients through these moments as part of their contemplative coaching journey.

Module 6 - In the Spiritual Recovery Module, students will embark on a transformative journey exploring the intricate dynamics of spiritual abuse, cult abuse, spiritual bypassing, and shadow work. This comprehensive exploration not only equips students with the knowledge to recognize and address these issues but also emphasizes ethical support and compassionate care. By delving into the implications of abuse on mental, emotional, and social well-being, students will learn strategies for rebuilding trust and relationships. They will also explore the transformative potential of shadow work and the importance of fostering authenticity in one's spiritual journey. Ultimately, this module prepares students to guide individuals on their path to spiritual recovery, fostering personal growth and healing from past traumas.

Completing this Core Unit will help you Competently:

  • Understanding of Brain Regions Affected by Trauma: Explore specific brain areas like the Medial Frontal Cortex, Orbitofrontal Cortex, Precuneus, etc., and how they are impacted by developmental trauma.
  • Integration of Spiritual Growth and Trauma Healing: Learn to recognize and work with the intersection of trauma and spirituality, understanding how they often influence one another.
  • Mindfulness and Presence Techniques: Gain skills in enhancing mindfulness and presence to deepen spiritual awareness and connection in clients.
  • Client-Centered Goal Setting: Learn to collaborate with clients to set meaningful goals related to spiritual or religious growth and develop supportive plans to achieve them.
  • Holistic Approach to Well-being: Understand and promote a holistic approach that integrates spiritual growth with emotional, physical, and mental well-being.
  • Empowering Through Education and Resources: Develop the ability to provide clients with valuable information, education, and resources that support their spiritual or religious 
  • Promoting Self-Compassion: Learn to foster a compassionate environment and encourage practices of self-compassion,  and acceptance, recognizing their centrality in spiritual growth and trauma recovery.
  • Exploration of the Intersection between Spirituality and Religion: Delve into the nuanced relationship between spirituality and religion, understanding the diverse beliefs and practices and recognize how these distinctions play a role in individual identities and healing processes, and learn to navigate and support these complexities.
  • The automatic brain response developed in childhood
  • The impact of the still face experiment and childhood developmental trauma
  • Working with muscle/body armouring 
  • Muscle/Body armouring and the Periaqueductal Grey
  • Muscle/Body armouring, trauma, breathe - why spiritually we aren't thriving
  • Muscle/Body armouring, trauma, breathe - why we aren't thriving with our religious live
  • Restoring our Soul - The essentials
  • Stages of Faith Development
  • Stages of Faith Development for those not raised religiously
  • A spiritual journey roadmap
  • Stages of the spiritual journey/ faith journey roadmap
  • Restoring our Soul with a guest presenter
  • A disciplined imagination and contemplative prayer
  • Developing Self Discipline
  • The difference between mindfulness and prayer
  • Putting Soul Centering into practice
  • The Core aspects of spirituality and prayer
  • How to use contemplative mindfulness/prayer in the process of CPTSD recovery and restoring one's soul 
  • Essentials for engaging in contemplative prayer
  • Levels of Awareness
  • The Psychology of Centering Prayer
  • The Seven ‘Moments’ of Centering Prayer
  • Centering Prayer as a Healing Response to Everyday Stress: A Psychological and Spiritual Process
  • Options for engaging in Contemplation
  • The challenges of contemplative mindfulness/prayer for complex trauma adults
  • Developing Intuition
  • Understanding Spiritual Abuse
  • Recognising the various ways spiritual abuse appears in a clients life
  • Recognising how clients will impart their spiritual abuse in each area plus how to help them in recovery
  • How to recognise when a client is part of a cult
  • Recognising various areas of cult abuse
  • Cult abuse recovery as a CPtsd Coach
  • What is Spiritual Bypassing? How to recover from Spiritual Bypassing
  • What is Shadow Work and how to do Shadow Work
  • How to help CPtsd clients do Shadow Work

What's included?

  • 6 Core Units of work plus extra professional articles for further learning
  • Homework books for clients you can use for your clients and apply your own brands
  • 8 Business Units to help develop your coaching business
  • 7 Units of client templates and tools
  • 6 Core Units of work plus extra professional articles for further learning
  • 6 Units of client tools
  • 7 Units of extra Complex Trauma infographics and information

Who is Certification for?

The program is designed to provide professionals with the most practical and effective online education available in the complex trauma field based on neuroscience. With a focus on practical and effective complex trauma recovery for each individual, this certification is for all professionals who are currently working with complex trauma recovery clients 

Here is what we will cover in

this Core Unit

Module 1 & Module 2

Neuroscience, Trauma and Spirituality

Module 3 & 4

Restoring our Soul

Module 5

Contemplative Mindfulness & Prayer

Module 6

Spiritual Recovery
Meet the instructor

Linda Meredith

Passionate, Innovative and effective in the Complex Trauma Recovery field. Linda coaches individuals globally for Complex Trauma, gives international seminars to hundreds from her desktop and spends her spare time developing effective new products for complex ptsd recovery based on the latest in Neuroscience & Soul.
She is the founder of Healing from Complex Ptsd, the Worlds First Complex Ptsd Membership, Australia's first Certified Trauma Recovery Coach/Supervisor, the World's first Advanced NPE Trauma Recovery Coach, CEO of the International Complex Trauma Association and is developing the world's first Complex Trauma Trained experiential program.
Linda adores her 3 adult children, her gorgeous granddaughter and rescued Manx Sylvan, coffee with her besties, gym, reading and Netflix and can't say enough about the passionate professionals and individuals she gets to work with throughout the world.
Welcome to our beautiful global family.
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Become a Certified Complex Trauma Coach 

Our Complex Trauma Certified Recovery Coach (CTCRC) course combines the latest research from neuroscience and psychology, with an experiential syllabus based on lived experience of CPtsd. The CTCRC course will provide you with: 


Gives you the skills and confidence to work with people experiencing CPtsd, without having to refer clients on to external specialists 


Teaches you an innovative “side door” approach that provides rapid results, even for individuals who’ve been in therapy for years and made little progress 


Helps with your own healing from childhood developmental trauma, so you can stay well while helping clients and growing your business 


Gives you in-depth training in the use of a comprehensive system to provide authentic, time and cost effective recovery for adults experiencing complex trauma 


Provides you with a globally recognised qualification accredited by the International Complex Trauma Association (I.C.T.A)


What our students are saying

Please Note: Reviews are from genuine clients who may choose for their identities to remain private.
Until we can speak openly about Mental Health with our family, friends and work colleagues their need for confidentiality is respected.

You can read more reviews here -
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"Linda Meredith is a powerhouse when it comes to bringing research and information together to help us understand complex trauma. More importantly, she breaks things down in a way that is easily accessible with a program that is uber flexible. What that means is that I can take as little time or as much time as I need, depending on the topic and how I engage with it. The homework isn't about regurgitating information or memorizing terminology, but rather how we can embody the knowledge while healing from complex trauma ourselves. In that way, I get ah ha moments about how what I learn can support clients.
An incredibly generous professional who has learned so many things about business the hard way, Linda prolifically creates beautiful templates, workbooks, and packettes of information to make it easier for new coaches to run their business. It's as if she deeply desires for each and every person to succeed as they go out there to support their clients in complex trauma recovery. I feel as though I have Linda 24/7 in my back pocket encouraging me, checking in with me, and supporting me to do what I need to do for my clients. 
Linda Meredith is a gift to the world and this one-of-a-kind complex trauma certificate program is exactly what I need at this point in my life. Thanks Linda for what you do!"
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"I don’t know if anyone else can resonate, but I’m so hungry for more critical information to better serve my coaching clients that I simply cannot get enough of the material Linda creates! The Complex PTSD survivors around the world are so fortunate to have someone as amazing as Linda Meredith creating courses for helping professionals!

The depth of the content and the support this course offers is PHENOMENAL! If you haven’t started taking the course and you are on the fence, I would HIGHLY recommend you take the leap and sign up!" An incredibly generous professional who has learned so many things about business the hard way, Linda prolifically creates beautiful templates, workbooks, and packettes of information to make it easier for new coaches to run their business. It's as if she deeply desires for each and every person to succeed as they go out there to support their clients in complex trauma recovery.

 I feel as though I have Linda 24/7 in my back pocket encouraging me, checking in with me, and supporting me to do what I need to do for my clients. Linda Meredith is a gift to the world and this one-of-a-kind complex trauma certificate program is exactly what I need at this point in my life.

Thanks Linda for what you do!"
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“Linda has a warm, caring attitude with a sense of humour to boot about the effects of CPTSD on someone. Her insight, videos, articles, and support have helped me over humps and I have seen the effect it has had on others too. Linda speaks not only through her education, but also from her own experience. She understands what brings about CPTSD and how to help you address that trauma in a caring, kind, compassionate, and sometimes firm fashion. I highly recommend her if you are looking to heal from trauma you’ve experienced or even if you’re looking to understand more about what CPTSD. Be kind, be understanding, and do yourself a favour and learn from Linda’s materials!.”

What our students are saying

Please Note: Reviews are from genuine clients who may choose for their identities to remain private.
Until we can speak openly about Mental Health with our family, friends and work colleagues their need for confidentiality is respected.

You can read more reviews here -
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