Client Reviews
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Reviews from Certification Students
Sherry Yuan Hunter
CEO Sandwich Parenting
Candace Alley
Our students love us
"Amazing course. Amazing teacher. Thanks Linda"
Deidre Oliver
"You are a true inspiration to me and your work has been so impactful on my life, my family members lives, and the lives of my CPTSD Recovery Clients. Thank you for everything you do!"
Nick F
"It's great material and I am learning so much. Complex PTSD was the missing piece for me in my recovery journey. It really is mind blowing how the brain works. I know I can help others and that is my goal. Thank you for putting together this fantastic certification program. It is so needed!"
Viana Mora
Reviews from Coaching Clients
Lisa Armele. Ed.S, MA., CAS.
Florida, USA
Nevada, USA
Nevada, USA
Sherry Yuan Hunter, MEd, CTRC
Ontario, Canada
One-on-one coaching with Linda has been quite remarkable in helping me manage my CPTSD triggers and symptoms. Linda is well qualified in her field and a most compassionate helper. I am so pleased with the results of our sessions. My anxiety has lessened considerably. I know what to do when I feel off balance now. I highly recommend scheduling an appointment if you wish to find answers and tools for recovery. A big thank you Linda, for the important work you are doing to bring awareness and healing to those of us who have been in pain for years.
Tennessee, USA
Tennessee, USA
Thank you so much for posting, I’ve learned more from 25 minutes of this woman than all the years of therapy that I’ve had combined, since diagnosis. I went through a 6 week program on PTSD, did nothing. No, that’s not true, it confused me even more. Made it worse in a way. I am obsessed enough about my recovery that I was able to maintain my attention until the end and understand what you were saying! (I also suffer ADHD). I have no doubts my recovery will be going a lot faster now because of you! I’ve saved your video and plan to watch it a few more times. Your analogies were perfect in explanation, for me. So, thank you again.”
Pennsylvania, USA
Pennsylvania, USA
Linda I have to tell you I have been in Complex PTSD therapy and an intensive therapy like hospital IOP which in the States is intensive outpatient. I always refuse to go inpatient because my colleagues would know I was there as I was a high level nurse in the hospital and everyone knew me. When I was working and everything was hidden away in my brain from my childhood I was making way over six figures and I spent over $20,000 out of pocket back then trying to get the best help I could but it didn’t work. That was in addition to my insurance which was high level. I have been in therapy for over 20 years and I have to tell you…you are the first person who has given me hope… For a normal life and being triggered is not the end of the world. I wanted to thank you for all you do. I am so blessed to have met you because you’ve really helped me. I am slowly becoming the person I always hoped I could be. Much love and heartfelt appreciation.
D. Morrison RN PHD,
Connecticut, USA
Connecticut, USA
I was in another recovery program for 37 years. I was diagnosed with cptsd last year. I joined this group the beginning part of this year. Well, it has turned out to be just what I needed to open the door for me to finally heal. I soon found out I had joined a group created by a woman who was determined to fight for her life in spite of the obstacles she had to overcome. I not only joined the group but I joined the Trauma Informed Movement program Again, I was unaware that this program would not only change me from the inside out but it would change how I lived and navigated my entire life. I continued watching Linda do the work and share her struggles and accomplishments that motivated me to do the same. Before long I began changing in ways I never thought possible. It wasn’t easy and I had a lot of work to do to get the results I was a witness to everyday. Thank you Linda.
Diana Zinz
San Francisco, USA
Before I met Linda my life was at such a low point. I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. I had tried Therapists and it was like being on a Merry-Go-Round. Nothing was changing so I refused to go anymore. I was on a wait list for DBT but my Mum found Linda and after working with her my life is now happy, bright and I enjoy every day.I went from being anxious and depressed alone at home, to joining a local choir, joining the St. John Ambulance to train for helping at Concerts, being able to help my mum at home and best of all I now have a beautiful relationship.Thank you so much Linda! You truly were sent into my life by God! I will forever be thankful to you!
Bangor, Ireland
Today I got triggered. AND, thanks to Linda Meredith‘s amazing course I was able to get a huge understanding of what I’m going through and deal with it so that my negative feelings don’t linger much longer. This awareness is priceless. She is a solid coach and I highly recommend her courses and one on one coaching to whoever wants to deal with their challenge.Truly; thank you Linda.
Bangkok, Thailand
Yours is an entirely new concept specifically designed for CPtsd. It also shows me logically how I am the master of my life. That I have the power to create my own road map of recovery to remission. The process is structured and manageable. It gives me strength and confidence knowing I am the master of my life. Thank you for choosing to share all that you do and are with us.
California, USA
Having spent between 8 – 10 years living and working out of my bedroom (my business is online) and finding myself overwhelmed with anxiety and depression I was lonely and miserable. I had no social life, no friends apart from work colleagues, and leaving my bedroom was almost impossible. Within 8 weeks working with Linda 80% of my depression had gone, I attended my first solo social event, and made a friend.”
Florida, USA
“Linda is not only patient and caring but she approaches the whole mental health with grace. She makes you feel validated, that you have worth. I wish I had her when I was a teen because she’s exactly who I’ve been looking for my entire life to reach out to. Highly recommend her to anyone looking for help. She helps find resources for you as well, which is huge. Know that you are not alone.
Ontario, Canada
Linda is an excellent trauma recovery coach and she will have you feeling better after you talk with her. Her understanding of Complex Trauma and strategies have me now enjoying my life, I have less triggers, and I’m achieving my dreams of study anxiety free.
London, England
Thank you for being the incredible human you are by helping others the way you do! I couldn’t have got through the last year without your pages to guide me and help me understand trauma responses. You’re an earth angel.
Plymouth, Canada
Linda is such an inspirational lady. She has helped my daughter who has Complex PTSD so much and she is truly on the road to recovery. I wholeheartedly recommend Linda as not only does she do trauma Coaching as a job but has also journey this road herself and she “totally gets it” (understands the road ahead). Thank you Linda
Bangor, Ireland
“Linda is absolutely brilliant!! She helps you look at what is going on in your life from a viewpoint that makes you realize you can tackle the issue at hand. She is always there to lend an ear and give positive feedback. She is a true asset to all of those that have come to know her.”
New Jersey, USA
“Linda is a fantastic person and easy to talk to and the others in the group are gorgeous people. So if you ever feel you need to talk to someone this is the place to go and there is no judgement whatsoever so please don’t hesitate.”
VIC, Australia
“Linda is a wonderful person who knows what she is doing. When I first started my journey with her two and half years ago I was so crippled with anxiety and fear and unable to leave my house alone. Just to even step out onto the porch I was crippled with fear and having anxiety attacks. Now I am able to do almost anything I want and even though I still have some anxiety I know how to cope with it. Linda has given me the tools and strategies and more importantly has taught me to believe that I can do anything I want to do. Linda has and is always there for me and she will be there for you too.”
Illinois, USA
“Linda is great at challenging me to stretch and grow. This year I have done some driving trips in spite of anxiety and really benefited from overcoming. She has good insights as to what our subconscious mind is dealing with and is a great encourager.”
N.S.W., Australia
“I live in Illinois, USA and I have been in contact with Linda as a therapist via Zoom for three weeks now and she is wonderful. I would have never dreamed of finding someone literally clear across the other side of the globe from me, but I have, and it has been so great. I can honestly say that I feel better after talking with Linda. Keep doing a great job and being the wonderful person you are.”
Illinois, USA
Reviews from Social Media
private account
Vicki Elliot
“When i first listened to one of these videos a few months back, it didn’t resonate, but I felt something about your experience & heroic kindness was “sent.” A video would pop up & there was a gravitational-like pull, as when it feels God is directing me. Now I feel such relief & peace-healing in each video I hear. It’s like a good cup of tea when cold, a childhood friend, a Rumi poem, a sunshine patch in the forest, spring water when thirsty…I cannot thank you enough! “I had only looked around at youtube, & this was 2 years ago. Also some things on “the family scapegoat” that are helpful. You & Lisa Romano & Les Carter are among the really good resources for getting one’s own life & freedom back.”
Liza Field
“This is the best one yet, of many great presentations you’ve offered. God has tapped a spiritual diamond mine in you, & the whole world of stressed, exhausted & dispirited humans gets the benefit & good medicine of truth, kindness, mercy, laughter & joy. More people need to see these, but each one they do reach will send the effect out to many others. Bless you!”
Heather H
Linda, I’m learning through your sharing personal and professional information on Complex trauma. Thanks to watching you this morning (March 29, 9.50 am), I’ve been able to really connect to my and my mom’s past and I’ve made such a huge understanding of my personal default mode … this knowledge is helping me heal at such a deep level. I am also so happy to be living with my elderly open minded mother. Eager to share your recent videos with her and my soul sister…
Carole L
“Hi Linda, just wanted you to know that your page coupled with therapy has helped me work through complex ptsd stemming from 43 yrs of narcissistic abuse by my mother, father, and siblings. My mother is a textbook malignant narcissist and the ringleader in all this. I was the scapegoat child for every one of my siblings failures and addictions. The best thing I did was cut my entire family off in 2019 on every level. I have healed and grown tremendously since then. Thank you for having an awesome & beautiful soul. Kindness means everything.
Thank you 🤗”
Thank you 🤗”
Private Account
“Thank you very much. Your pain and suffering was turned into freedom in others through your help, expertise, and knowledge. There are no words. Thank you!!!”
Private Account
Private Account
I found your page when I was going though a very difficult time, but now I feel I have moved on a let go of a lot of things which were no longer serving me, I feel happy and there is no longer a need to follow you. And that’s a positive. Thank you very much and keep doing what you are doing.
“The first YouTube video I saw of yours covered Pete Walker’s, “Surviving to Thriving” and after listening for a few minutes, I was really moved by how honest you were about yourself! Your having that willingness to make yourself vulnerable- that, to me, is a characteristic that is so invaluable! People can present all their facts and research and methods but they can’t replace real, genuine concern for someone else’s wellbeing. I thought, “Here is someone who’s truly living out Genesis 50:20!” How awesome it is to actually witness someone doing this! So thank you for your magnanimity and your altruistic personality! You really do make such a great difference in my life and others, as well!”
“Your videos have been very insightful and helpful to me. Thank you so much Linda for all the helpful advice and suggestions that you give out. I’m trying to implement bit by bit.”
Suzy G
“This was so phenomenal I had to listen twice!😁 Very informative thank you!🤗” “This was so profound. I understand it may sound silly to some. However for me it was so validating. Sometimes it is so difficult to even remember to breathe, much less process the emotions. I’ve had to look back for answers I couldn’t find in the moment. I understand why and I’m gentle with myself. However listening to your clip I felt such a deep compassion and weird comfort that I’m not alone. Thank you for sharing and being so vulnerable. Sending love and gratitude.”
Aspasia H