Complex Ptsd & Abandonment

Linda Meredith
Self-abandonment cycle refers to a pattern of behaviour where individuals neglect their own needs, emotions, and values in order to please others or to conform to societal expectations. This cycle can lead to feelings of low self-worth, depression, and anxiety.

An abandonment wound is typically created through experiences of being abandoned or feeling emotionally neglected during significant periods of a person's life. Here are some common ways in which an abandonment wound can be created - 
  1. Childhood experiences: Early childhood experiences play a crucial role in shaping a person's attachment style and their beliefs about relationships. If a child experiences neglect, rejection, or inconsistent care from primary caregivers, it can create deep emotional wounds related to abandonment.
  2. Loss of a significant relationship: The loss of a loved one through death, divorce, or separation can also contribute to an abandonment wound. This loss can trigger feelings of rejection, loneliness, and fear of being left alone.
  3. Repeated experiences of rejection: When someone faces repeated experiences of rejection, whether in romantic relationships, friendships, or social settings, it can reinforce the belief that they are unworthy of love and support. These experiences can create a fear of abandonment and a reluctance to trust others.
  4. Traumatic events: Traumatic events, such as abuse, neglect, or abandonment itself, can leave deep emotional scars. These events can create a profound fear of being abandoned or betrayed again, leading to a heightened sensitivity to potential abandonment triggers.
  5. Unresolved childhood issues: If childhood wounds and unresolved emotional issues are not addressed or healed, they can continue to affect a person's adult relationships. Unresolved abandonment wounds from childhood can resurface and impact future relationships, leading to fear and insecurity.

It's important to note that each person's experiences and wounds are unique, and the creation of an abandonment wound can vary from individual to individual. Understanding the underlying causes and seeking support through therapy or counseling can help address and heal these wounds.

Signs of an Abandonment Wound

10 Ways to recognise an abandonment wound

Self Abandonment The Cycle

Signs of Self Abandonment

Definition: Abandonment Wound

As Adults the question then becomes "where do I begin to recover?" The first step is to begin to develop a sense of self. Without our sense of self, which we didn't develop in childhood, it's impossible to have the strength to keep building and recover from a wound that is soul deep. 

The following workbook can be your first step in an abandonment wound recovery. The next step can be the Abandonment Course found inside the resource Library. All at your fingertips, 24/7 to suit your own recovery schedule.
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